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Top Ten Workouts


This content is older than 11 years—please consider its relevancy when reading the article/viewing the embedded video.

by Maryanna Oberg, Paige Rauner, and Erica Watson

After consuming all of those holiday Calories, it’s a good idea to start planning your new year’s resolution by getting back into shape. Here is a list of the top ten workouts you can do at your local gym.

  1.                   Number One: Bicycle Floor Exercise
  2.                   Number Two: Intervals of walking and running on a treadmill
  3.                   Number Three: Stationary Bike
  4.                   Number Four: Captain Chair Leg Raises
  5.                   Number Five: Vertical Leg Crunch
  6.                   Number Six: Medicine Ball Twists
  7.                   Number Seven: Plank
  8.                   Number Eight: Exercise Ball Crunch
  9.                   Number Nine: Push-ups
  10.                   Number Ten: Sit-ups
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