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Girls’ Wrestling At Ocean City HS


This content is older than 2 years—please consider its relevancy when reading the article/viewing the embedded video.

Reporting by Marisa DeVito
Photojournalism & Editing by Sarah Hoffman / Marisa DeVito 

They are a team of two and among the leaders of the Ocean City Wrestling Team.  Meet Olivia Guy and Danna Ramirez. They are making their mark as two of the top female wrestlers in the area. In what is a predominantly male sport, they’ve overcome obstacles to thrive on the mat.  For Danna, she wrestles in the 132 weight class and owns a 13 and 3 match record this season. Danna says she enjoys the tough training.  Olivia Guy weighs in at 114lbs and has 9 wins in 13 matches so far this season. She’s been wrestling for 2 years and has even gone out of state to improve her skills.  With the regular season coming to an end, Danna and Olivia are looking forward to regionals which start February 19th.


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