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Autism Awareness Month


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By Amanda Goudie

Did you know April was Autism Awareness Month? The Current OC would like to inform you all about this hidden disability, and answer some important questions. What is autism? And how can you support your autistic peers?

Now to answer that first question. What is autism? Autism is a spectrum disorder also known as ASD, Meaning it ranges in type and severity. ASD is a disability that impairs the nervous system and makes it harder for social interactions.

Most of the time it is more commonly diagnosed in men than women. This is due to the majority of medical research previously being done on men, meaning that women with different symptoms, but the same disability go undiagnosed.

Continuing with this comparison between men and women. One in forty two boys are diagnosed, and One in one hundred eighty nine girls are. This means that men are over Four Times as likely to be diagnosed with ASD.

How to support your autistic peers during Autism Awareness Month:

Simply put, be straightforward with what you want from them. Many autisic people tend to have a hard time understanding tone or sarcasm, if you have to explain yourself don’t get upset. Be aware that their mood may fluctuate, since autistic people tend to struggle with regulating their emotions. Try to help learn some coping and calming skills to try and calm down any anxiety problems that may come up. Also learn boundaries. Some people may not like you touching them, so just make sure to ask before you do so. On top of all of this, do not infantilize them, they are humans and don’t treat them as if they are less than you.

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