By Tina Urban
It’s that time of year again where the drama students of OCHS are hard at work to perfect the fall play. This season they will perform The Trial of Ebenezer Scrooge which takes place a year after the widely known A Christmas Carol. At the end of Charles Dickens’ tale, Scrooge is a transformed into a kind man, but in The Trial of Ebenezer Scrooge the old man reverts back to greediness by trying to sue his ghostly visitors who tried to change him for the better.
Many students at OCHS who vary in experience are involved in the double-casted play and are excited to perform this December. Eleventh grader Justin Angelastro is one of the actors playing Scrooge (the other being Justin Smith). Justin has only been in one show previously, but enjoyed so much he wanted to continue with theatre performance. Junior Natalie Viso claimed that this shows marks her 17th play performance. Natalie is a ghost and an understudy. Upon asking Ms. Viso what her favorite part of the show is, she replied comically with, “…just being able to be something I’m not usually. I mean, you don’t get many opportunities to be a ghost!” Student director and senior Olivia Ensminger said this was her 6th play with the school. Olivia loves being a part of theatre because it is a place “that since [Olivia] was a little kid [she has] felt like [she] belonged…”.