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The Path to Homecoming


This content is older than 11 years—please consider its relevancy when reading the article/viewing the embedded video.


By JoHannah Newman


Every year the entire OCHS student body gets geared up for the big Homecoming celebration.  Clubs participate in a competitive hallway decorating contest, while our OC Red Raiders prepare for their big game on the home field.  Girls buy their dresses for the homecoming dance, and everyone shows their school spirit by dressing up for the fun themes of spirit week.  This week of excitement is a highlight of every school year, but who is responsible for organizing these events?


Student Council begins planning for the Homecoming dance, the hallway decorating contest, and the annual teachers vs. students dodge ball pep rally months in advance.  This year’s Casino Royale Homecoming theme was chosen before school ended last year, and preparations began in the summer.  Student Council officers and general members spent weeks of long nights creating decorations and covering the walls of OCHS with their theme for the hallway decoration contest and Homecoming Dance.  The Student Council hallway is always so well done that they excuse themselves from running in the competition.

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