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The Oscars Race – As Tanner Driscoll Sees It


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By Tanner Driscoll

Traditional awards shows have been a staple of American culture since the early 1900s. Film has blown up in the past 100 years, becoming an integral part of society as more and more corporations and directors producing content for the average viewer to consume. And of course, the pioneer of awarding movies for their excellence is: the Oscars, or the Academy Awards. For the past 91 years, the show has provided ideas to the general public as to which movies, actors, actresses and directors to look out for, as the winners of the esteemed program typically gain traction after their victories. Now, the almighty overlords of Hollywood who decide which films are the best is a cool idea and all, but I think as a self-proclaimed film buff that I have an excellent sense of what should be nominated and what should win.

Here are my predictions for what I believe is deserving of a nomination and Oscar in the Best Picture, Best Animated Picture, and Most Popular Film categories…

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